Open Government Partnership
Papua New Guinea

“Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in the Government Systems and Processes”

Promote transparency, accountability, information sharing, inclusive development planning, policy formation, and resource allocations to improve service delivery in the country.

The principles of democracy and sets the platform for transparent and accountable practices in government.

Compliments the spirit of the National Constitution incorporated through several cascading strategies.

Elevates the principles of partnership and inclusive participation in decision making.

Cluster Commitments

Public Participation

It promotes inclusive participation in development planning, policy formulation, budgeting, service delivery and monitoring and reporting.

Freedom of Information

Intends to promote public access to government information for transparency and accountability.

Fiscal Transparency

To ensure government budgetary appropriations and expenditures are transparent and are disclosed to the public.

Government Integrity

To strengthen democratic institutions and its processes and ensure annual audit reports are accurate and timely available.

Extractive Resources Transparency

Ensuring extractive revenues are used for the public benefit. Make EITI annual report on a timely basis for citizens

Open Data

Digitizing and Opening up Government data for access to information and transparency. Effective roll out of NID project.

Global Context

The founding governments are; Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Souths Africa, the United Kingdom and the United Stated of America, endorsed the Open Declaration and announced their country National Action Plans.

These plans promote;

  • Transparency
  • Fight Corruption
  • Empower citizens
  • Harness new technologies
  • Strengthen Governance

Multi-stakeholder forum

The Open Government Partnership provides a pathway for visionary domestic reformers to cerate the changes required to strengthen our democracy. Open Government Partnership is the multi-stakeholder forum for reform that by necessity must involve non-government input and feedback.

Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby

12th-13th December 2024

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